Saturday 25 June 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Great Falls, Montana

Met with Madeline, the Tail Gunner's wife, and Carol Adams, Wagon Master's wife in our RV.  They went over everything we needed to know, plus gave us jackets, pins, etc.  Very nice ladies and most informative.  Spencer, the Tail Gunner, inspected our RV and went through a checklist w/us.  Gave us a clear bill of health as far as the RV went.  Around noon we drove the RV to Fleet Service in Great Falls.  Had trouble finding it and pulling into the parking area.  Very muddy, full of potholes and no room to navigate the RV.  They weren't ready for us so we left.

 Drove to the Great Falls of the Missouri River.  Quite spectacular.  Since it was raining (all day) we stopped at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.  Once we saw it and were so impressed, we decided to go back the next day, as it was getting ready to close for the day.  We picked up the RV and set it up again in the park.  Went to dinner at MacKenzie River Pizza Company.  Very nice.  The food was good as well as the service.

Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.

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