Monday 15 August 2011

Thursday August 11, and Friday, August 12, 2011 Regina, Canada

We are traveling on another beautiful day to Regina to see some wonderful people we have met in Mesa.  Along the way, we saw the largest and tallest Teepee in Northern American.  You never know what you are going to see in Canada.
This is farm country everywhere - very flat.  You can see for miles and miles.  Saw fields covered with Hay rolls and bales.  Unfortunately, they had so much rain and flooding that it looks like there are lakes vs fields.  Very sad.  A lot of farmers cannot even seed their crops.

At last, we reach Regina and our friends Leona and Jim are waiting for us.  We passed by their farm once so they saw us coming.  I think Leona is wondering what took us so long.

They have a very large farm w/thousands of acres.  Fortunately, they did have some fields they could seed and I made sure Jim got on the ball and did some work.  Unlike our little farm in Wisconsin where I grew up, Jim has HUGE equipment.  OMG!!!  We use to have two tractors, he has one big enough to eat our little ones up.  And the trucks, Oh My!!!  I think the last count was 6 vs our little one, but that's okay Jim has it all under control.  After a great lunch, we got out into the field and he even let me drive his tractor and do some seeding.  I made one straight stretch, according to the GPS.  GPS??? Are you kidding me.  We don't even have one in our car.  These modern day farmer's!!!
Leona made us some fantastic and tasty meals - we worked so hard!!!  They keep their farm as clean as a button as well as all Jim's equipment.  I may have gotten it a bit dusty. 
It was so nice seeing Jim and Leona and we thank them very much for the short but great time we had with them.  I think I gained 5 lbs.  We met their son, Kevin, who is a very nice guy as well.

Unfortunately, it was time again to move on to Estevan so we had to say Good Bye.  Thankfully, we will be seeing them in Mesa again but it was hard none the less.  They are just the sweetest people in the world.  If I lived closer, I would be helping Jim in the fields - more like giving him a hard time.  Leona's the best in the kitchen so that leaves me out.
Thanks again for your hospitality!!

On our way out of town, we saw a lot of graineries of all sizes, shapes and even colors.  Very interesting in deed.

These are actually fields not lakes.  No crops will be seeded this year.  Leona told us how people were actually canoeing in the fields.

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