Wednesday 24 August 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 Spring Green, Wisconsin

It was an overcast day - not a day for the pool - so we had to come up w/something to do.  After breakfast we all did things we had to get done and then decided to go to a winery; however, we thought we better have lunch first.  (We did a lot of eating).  Not a good thing - a diet will be in order once we get home.  Before we left, I thought I should get some pictures of the cousins.  It wasn't easy, but I did it.

These three are the original cousin's:  Brian, Chrissie and Bruce.  The rest of us are outlaws!

Like I said, the clouds were eerie and a storm was heading our way, so we closed everything up and took off  - all seven us in our Jeep - and drove to a winery.

The wine was very good.  I think we paid $3.50 for ten samples - not a bad deal at all.  Of course, we all made our purchases.

Bruce decided, after a couple samples, to sit outside and enjoy what little sun we had.  The little kitten decided she could get some pats from him so she decided to join him. 

After we returned, had another meal, we all sat out for another campfire.  The sand fleas, or whatever, were very nasty, so we called it a night.  The guys had some wet wood so it took quite a while to get the fire going so we felt bad when we decided to go inside as the fire was looking good at that time.  None the less, it just wasn't worth it.  Danny checked the weather and the predictions look good for tomorrow so we all went our separate way.  Nite now!!Posted by Picasa

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