Sunday 17 July 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011 Homer, Alaska

We had a free day and it was a beauty to say the least.  As you can see the sun was out, a bit cool, but no rain.  Thus a good day

We decided to take a drive into the country as we heard about this Russian town, Village Nikolaevsk.  It was very small and 8 miles off the Sterling Hwy.  Unfortunately, the church was closed as was the diner.  The owner had a doctor's appointment - go figure.  We turned around and had lunch at Anchor River Inn.  Food was okay but the service was terrible.

Cafe in Russian Village

In our travel's, we found the boat we could afford - anyone up for a fishing trip?

Mountains across Kachemak Bay
Then again, this little shack on the bay, called out to us as well.  What a view!!!  The pink accent colors added to the appeal.

The day was too nice to be sitting in the Jeep so Bruce worked on fixing the camera on the back of the RV and I went and sat on the beach w/this mountain in the background. 

After sitting out for over an hour, my friend, Cindy, asked if I wanted to drive down to the Spit, a long, narrow bar of gravel, which is the site of a major dock facility, as well as shops, restaurants and small businesses.  We walked around and did a little shopping.  I thought the flower filled boots were so cute.

After a couple small purchases, we headed back to the RV park for a Staff prepared Halibut cookout.  Some of us that went fishing, donated some fish for the dinner.

After dinner, Cindy and Ron came over and we played cards until 11 p.m.  Enjoyed a lot of laughs even though we lost.

Another great day in Alaska.

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