Tuesday 5 July 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011 Fairbanks, Alaska

Dawn’s birthday.  Called Dawn in the morning. We had rain again overnight and fog this morning. Had a 9 AM tour to the University of Alaska Museum of the North. Spent about 2 hours there and watched a movie about the Aurora Borealis which was good. The bus took us around downtown and to the visitor/cultural center. Then went to a Chinese buffet that was very well stocked and good. Early afternoon we went to an Ice Museum downtown in an old converted theater. Saw a movie about the sculpting and then walked around to see some ice sculptures. There was a demonstration given where the guy carved a snail out of ice. It rained on and off all day. We had our travel meeting and happy hour pot luck inside a meeting room at the RV Park. Had lots of good snacks.  Two guys entertained us with guitars and singing over an hour and they were great fun.

This is actually a pc of art (toilet).  Bruce had fun w/it.

Bad Bruce!!!

Statue of Eskimo's at the Visitor Center

Ice Bar.  Wish we could have had a drink but it was just a museum.  Sure glad I had my North Face Jacket.

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