Friday 8 July 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011, Denali Nat'l Park, Alaska

Mt. McKinley

There was a bus from Denali Park ready for us at 6 AM. Had a good driver/guide through Denali. The day was clear and sunny again so we had spectacular views of Mt. McKinley most of the morning. The bus took us all the way to Kantishna, 90 miles one way. There we had a buffet lunch, panned for gold to no avail, walked around the lodge area, and had a drink. Very nice resort area. Along the way we saw several grizzly bears at a distance, some caribou, white mountain Dall sheep, a huge fox, a snowshoe rabbit, ptarmigan birds, and ground squirrels. We also saw a moose walking along the railroad tracks going to Denali. Got back to the park about 7:30 PM. Spencer and Madi, our tail gunner’s,  arrived from Tok about 8:30 PM and we welcomed them.  They had problems w/their RV and had to get them fixed before they drove anywhere.
Took tons of pictures of Mt. McKinley as it was so spectacular. 
From what people said, it is rare to be able to see

the mountain  -usually the clouds cover it up.
Ice Glacier in the middle.

Probably licking salt off the road.

Caribou's - Saw 6 in total

Bigger and heavier antler's

These antler's weighed a ton

Mt. McKinley in the background

Ground Squirrel

Flag w/Mt. McKinley in background


Bear - saw many in the distance.

Dall Sheep - saw a heard but too far away.

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