Monday 4 July 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011 Calgary, Alberta

AB Left on a Trafalgar tour bus at 11:15 for Calgary. The driver narrated some of the drive about the local area. We went to the Olympic Park and had a very good lunch there. Afterward, we took the ski lift up to the hilltop. Couldn’t go to the ski jump because of the construction. We’re taken to the Bobsled start building as a tour. There  was a storm in the area so the lift got shutdown. Everyone had to walk down the hill. Roni and I walked down the bobsled track. About ¾ mile. The bus took us downtown to the Calgary tower which is over 500 ft. high. Good views from there.  It’s a beautiful downtown – lot of neat shops and restaurants.  On every block, there are covered walkways  from one building to another because it is so cold in the winter – people don’t have to go outside.   Later we drove around downtown a bit and drove through the Calgary Stampede Park. Got back around 5:30.

Can't imagine going 100 mph at this angle.

Don't we look like the real pro's?

Really beautiful town of Calgary.  Would love to spend more time downtown.

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