Tuesday 5 July 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011 Watson, Lake, Yukon

Lake  Left around 8 AM for Whitehorse. We drove 270 miles. Stopped along the way at the Rancheria Falls and walked a path and boardwalk to the falls. Stopped in the town of Teslin for fuel at the Nisutlin Trading Post and visited the George Johnston Museum. Watched a movie about Johnston and how he had the first car in Teslin without roads.  He made a lot of money by giving rides to people.  He was quite the entrepreneur as trapper, fur trader, photographer and the Tlingit elder.  Very impressive person.   Made lunch in the coach and ate along the way. We met back up with Dave and Ron at Johnson Crossing where we had cinnamon rolls and coffee. Didn’t see any wildlife during the day. Camped at Pioneer RV Park. RVs were packed in very tight, but sight was okay. At 6 the staff put on a social hour with margaritas and nachos. There was plenty for all. Meeting room was a good place but noisy. They were going to have a ‘game night’ but nobody felt like playing anything since it was a long day of driving.

This is the actual car that George bought and used -  still in great condition.  He would paint it white in the winter so as not to scare the wildlife.

Some really warm mittens.
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