Tuesday 5 July 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Watson Lake

Yeah! We awoke to a beautiful morning with NO rain! Had an 8 AM travel meeting at Ken’s.  We traveled with Dave & Lynn, Ron & Jackie and left about 9 AM. Roni drove and led our group. The day was short only 135 miles or so. We stopped at a small café called Coal Creek Café. There were a lot of our rigs there so the small café was packed.  We saw a brown bear and some buffalo on the way there. We made a couple brief stops for pictures. Roni saw a red fox and we saw a black bear and another woodland buffalo. In Watson Lake campground we have a good site amongst some pine trees. The water doesn’t work on our part of the campground but that’s okay for tonight. A group of us went to the Northern Lights Centre for a surround type movie. We drove George and Winifred there. It was pretty good and relaxing. Afterward we all met at the Sign Post Forest to nail signs on posts. There are thousands of signs from all over the world there. Had a 5 PM travel briefing and a short Happy Hour.
Roni and I drove out to the Watson Lake airport out of town. We took a few pictures and talked with a guy manning the radio there. He showed us a book that a history of aviation in the Yukon that had a page about Dad’s wreck and rescue.  We also went to the Air Force Lodge in town which is the only building from the 40’s airfield. It was moved into town and converted into a small motel. The owner once flew out of Watson Lake and remembers seeing Dad’s plane wreckage. Called Dad to tell him. Very light outside at 10:30 PM.

This is where they actually connected the Alaska Highways - started in two different locations.

Thousands of signs are here - we, of course, added ours.

This is the airport where Ed was suppose to fly into that day he crashed only two miles away.  We found a book that had a short story about the accident.  We couldn't find the book to buy so tried to take a picture of it.

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